導航:首頁 > 長壽老人 > 英語90歲


發布時間:2020-12-03 21:52:56

⑴ 這老人90多歲的英文翻譯 The old man is ____ ____ ____ years old.

more than ninety

⑵ 在某人90歲時英語怎麼說

At the age of 90 in someone

⑶ 90歲生日英語

如果是我的90歲就是my 90th birthday 如果是別人比如Lisa就是Lisa's 90th birthday

⑷ 英語短文 一個90歲的小學生堅持學習的故事

I'm Tong tong ,I'm 12 years old .There are three people in my family ----my father ,my mother and I .In summer, I like swimming. In fall, I like flying kites . In winter , I like making a snowman . In spring , I like planting trees.I like singing and dancing . Can you tell me , what about you.

⑸ 八九十歲的老人 英語怎麼表達

old people in their eighties or nineties.
in their eighties 是「八十到八十九歲」
nineties 是九十到九十九歲

⑹ 90歲到100歲的人用英語能一詞表達嗎

he is in his 90s.
沒有,用片語in one' 90s

⑺ 在他的19歲或者90歲生日英語怎麼說 數字全用英語表示!

at his nineteen birthday
at his ninty birthday

⑻ tom的爺爺活了90歲英語

Tom's grandfather lives to be ninety years old .

⑼ 我奶奶活到九十歲英語怎麼說

My grandmother lives to 90-year-old.
He is born in Beijing.
I'm watching TV, but the door bell ring.
They sing in the park.

⑽ 那位英語英明的告訴我:80歲的老人用英語說是「octogenarian「誰能告訴我100、90、70、60、50歲的呢

octogenarian指的就是80 90歲的老人
另外,小學生需要知道這種單詞嗎? 直接用年齡表達就好了啊



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