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發布時間:2021-12-04 06:08:45

『壹』 辯論賽 獨生子女有優勢還是非獨生子女有優勢







『貳』 辯論:現代社會,獨生子女和非獨生子女哪個更有優勢


『叄』 「怎樣培養好獨生子女在中國引發了許多辯論」翻譯成英文

The issue of fostering the single child has led to lots of discussions in China.

『肆』 急需!!提供 英文版辯論樣本 關於 獨生子女的好與壞

the advantages of having only one child:
1)having enough mony and time on the child
2, the child will be able to grow up in a more decent environment
3,contributing to the development of the countrying by saving resouces

the disadvantages of having only one child:
the child may be self-centered by being the apple of the parents(掌上明珠)
the child may feel lonely without brothers or sisters

『伍』 英語辯論,有關獨生子女好這一方的觀點 3分鍾陳述

alright. there are some of these things we can get from adopting one-child policy:firstly, From the family's perspect, the family could save a lot more financially and mentally, since the population amount is such a large numble, people will have to work harder and much bitter to obtain what they need to bring up more children in a family. And as the children grow up, their needs of ecation, living and health also draging the family into a position that is pretty bitter for most of the familes, especally the ones in the rural area who are hardly able to pay for the needs of ecation and heath as well as living for the children. Secondly, from the nation's perspect, the more people in the society mean more buden to take care of, which totally is not a good option for getting a country to become strong in the world for the goverment who has to pay more to ensure the indivial 's right to be carried on, and that most likely won't be less and less possble as people are getting more and more. Consideing that the recouses of the society is limited and there won't be that much for a huge numble of people to survive without getting people into fight againt each other.I think thats all.

『陸』 非獨生子女如何翻譯成英文The only-child children

one couple with one child only
因為獨生子女的本意也不是描述孩子本身 而是一種家庭狀況

『柒』 英文辯論獨生子女家庭和多個子女家庭,我支持多個子女家庭,PLEASE .


『捌』 獨生子女好不好辯論會反方意見(要英文的)

希望對你有幫助, 祝你幸運
The first born child or an only child get many benefits from the parents. When they are first born they are lavished with attention and often times spoiled, getting whatever they want, not learning much discipline. The way parents teach the first/only child discipline and respect is much how they will react to situations much later in life. If the child stays an only child, in life the child will depend on their parents much of their life.

There is not a separation within the bond between parents and children when no other siblings are born, and thus parents are free to give all their attention and devote all their time towards the one child.

If the child is the first born and has other siblings, they tend to become very jealous at first. In this jealousy it could also cause them to lash out in irrational ways, but just at first. Generally the first born will then take on a silent responsibility of the second siblings. They protect them and have a knowledge of what a parent expects from them. Also they can tend to have more expected out of them from parents. Once a second child is born, the parents sometimes assume that the second child should take after the first, which in any case does not happen. The first born child usually drifts off and becomes more independent right away. They will tend to fend for themselves, taking on more tasks than they can handle and will not ask for help. Pleasing parents and trying to live up to expectations may be sometimes trying for a first born, but in most cases the expectations are set by themselves. They have the desire to succeed in many things in life, not only for other people, but for self fulfillment.

In most cases first born children will go into business as a career. They would be good in careers such as law, or as a cooperate in a business. Not much into dreaming, they like things straight forward and like to get tasks done at hand before jumping into bigger projects. Getting one thing done at a time is their objective. Usually a first born child will marry a last born child. The last borns need to be taken care of and the first borns need to take care of someone

『玖』 急求一篇討論「獨生子女和非獨生子女」的英文作文。急急急!!!

Due to the family planning policy, many of the young generations in today's China are the only children of their families. Scholar and the media have long being expressing their concerns for the weakness and shortcomings of these "kings" and "princesses" in every family. Some even argue that, as the only child, these people are inevitably spoiled by their parents. As a result they are selfish, weak and arrogant, lacking perseverance and modesty.
However, demonizing these only children in families does no good; on the contrary, it endangers the society. first, it forms certain prejudice and the old generation tends to mistrust these young people. second, the only children themselves feel justified for certain personalities such as being inconsiderate, and rightful to behave in that way.
all in all, i think the difference between the only child and the non-only child is completely exaggerated. Actually this difference has been used by some unfriendly organizations and groups abroad to destabilize China's society. History has proved that the "lost generation" in USA in 1960s and 70s who cut classes, used drugs, ran away from home, made troubles and did nothing but rock & roll are now the mainstays of USA, making it a more and more powerful nation.
Then, why the only children are so different that they are totally separated from others and are viewed with colored spectacles? this, indeed, needs our reconsideration.

拼了老命了,hope it would be helpful

『拾』 求「非獨生子女」,英文翻譯

child with siblings



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